Public Access Defibrillator Program

Congratulations on your purchase of your new defibrillator!

Now you have you Automated External Defibrillator (AED) set up, here are some useful links that will enable you to register your defibrillator to benefit your community.


BHF Factsheet

The British Heart Foundation (BHF), in conjunction with the Resuscitation Council (UK), have produced a handy Guide to Defibrillators (download as a PDF!) that covers many of the benefits to yourself and the community as a result of your AED being available.

The BHF guide also contains the contact information for the various ambulance services around the country, should you wish to register your AED for the…


Public Access Defibrillator Program

The PAD program enables you to register your AED with your local ambulance service. You can note the type of AED you have, its location, times at which the AED is available, and emergency contact information should the ambulance service or one of its first responders require AED assistance on a call.

As an example, we are based in Surrey, so we are served by the South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAMB). The SECAMB allow us and our Surrey-based customers to register their AED via a form (MS word document) which can then be e-mailed to

A list of UK ambulance services can be found in the BHF guide (above) – although not all services enable you to register your AED with them.


First responder websites & apps

Similar to registering your AED with your local ambulance service, organisations such as Heartsafe allow you to register your AED for public access, which will then appear on their website and be made available to rescuers nation-wide.

With the advancements in smartphones and GPS technology in recent years, you can also register with the GoodSAM app as a "responder" - which will alert you of any nearby emergencies you may be able to assist in.  Similarly the GoodSAM "alerter" app will allow you to request help at the push of a button, should you come across a life threatening event.